

headset - enroll to learn Japanese online
I cannot believe how much Japanese I have been able to learn in a short time.
I found Nihongo-Pro after being enrolled in a 3-month online, intensive Japanese course provided by a language school in Tokyo. I had no exposure to the Japanese language prior to the class, and although we covered a good deal of material, I found myself needing to understand the structure of the language and to have some explanation of what I was learning. After researching multiple options, I selected Nihongo-Pro for a trial.

My first introduction to Nihongo-Pro was via a sound check from Steve. The sound check provided so much more than just verifying the technology would work. I learned so much about learning Japanese, cultural features in the study, and Nihongo-Pro’s options.

I was paired with my current teacher Michiko Nakano sensei. I have been taking regular Japanese lessons for three months and have learned so much in these past months. Michiko sensei is kind, patient, and has an astute ability to see precisely where my learning difficulties are. She gently helps me understand and focus on these areas. Additionally, she is quick to point out areas of strength and to reinforce all of the learning we are doing together regularly. Following each lesson, she provides me with a “lesson file” which includes the material covered and any new vocabulary. I am then able to review the lesson and vocabulary to reinforce the study. I cannot believe how much Japanese I have been able to learn in a short time. Although I have so much more to learn, I am well launched on understanding some of the fundamentals of the Japanese language through my studies with Michiko sensei.

Michiko sensei is not only a gifted teacher, she is also a warm and interesting person, willing to share her own experiences both in the United States and in Japan. She is open and personable and highly flexible. When a topic arises such as dining at a Japanese restaurant, sports, or where my travels in Japan will take me, she is quick to produce a link in the online classroom to enhance my understanding and experience. I have also found her flexible with re-scheduling classes, when my schedule does not allow me to take the class at my regular time.

A note about Nihongo-Pro would not be complete without a word about Steve. He has been extremely responsive regarding any issues related to technology or administration. I also found him incredibly personable and engaging, helpful, and generous with his time. To anyone looking for online Japanese lessons, I would recommend Nihongo-Pro and Michiko sensei without a moment’s hesitation.

I highly recommend trying a lesson, and you'll see the difference between Nihongo-Pro and the other Japanese resources...
After three years of self-directed study of Japanese, I decided I needed help.While I had learned kanji, vocabulary and some grammar, I knew that I had yet to achieve my goal of being able to speak Japanese casually. For help, I turned to Nihongo-Pro.

Over the past six months, my weekly lessons with Yamamoto Sensei have improved my understanding of Japanese grammar and challenged me in the best way to grow my understanding and fluency of Japanese. I am encouraged by what I have learned so far, and I am confident that my goals are within reach.

There are many resources available for free and at a cost to help you learn Japanese—I've tried many of them—but being able to ask Yamamoto Sensei specific questions as they come up in our classes, get real-time feedback, and have a learning strategy tailored to my level are the advantages of studying Japanese through Nihongo-Pro. I highly recommend trying a lesson, and you'll see the difference between Nihongo-Pro and the other Japanese resources out there. Best of luck in your Japanese studies!
