

headset - enroll to learn Japanese online
I will recommend Mukai-sensei to everyone!
Every Friday I get extremely happy because I know that on Saturday I have my online Japanese class. I love my lesson because Mukai-sensei is extremely good, sweet and patient. He explains everything in different ways so I can understand the meaning of new topics.

Mukai-sensei is punctual, too, and I appreciate that kind of things in a teacher. Also, I love that when I finish the class, he immediately sends me the material we worked with and the chat log, too. At home I store all of this in a notebook and I keep studying for another hour.

My teacher always answers when I write to him on Facebook or through email. This is important because he builds rapport with the student. I also like that he remembers the things we have talked about and brings them to the class to teach new things. Mukai-sensei definitely connects with the student.

As a teacher myself, I am extremely picky about my teacher. I have studied education for more than 10 years and taught English for 13 years—I can happily say that I am 100% satisfied with Nihongo-Pro. I wanna keep studying with Mukai-sensei and will recommend him to everyone!

Nihongo-Pro exceeds my expectations in teachers and technology.
I have been taking private lessons at Nihongo-Pro since the beginning, and I must say that this language school completely answered my expectations.

First, it's not easy to find a lesson time suitable for both teacher and student when they live thousands of kilometers apart.

I am a 53-year old European student, and, due to job commitments, I can take lessons only on weekday evenings. With Nihongo-Pro, I had no schedule problems at all, since my teacher lives in the U.S., which gives me many more scheduling options than with teachers living in Japan.

Having tried several languages schools in the past, I really appreciate the high quality of Nihongo-Pro's classroom software. Really well-thought out and extremely easy to use. There were extremely few technical problems, and they were solved very quickly thanks to quick support. The classroom software is always improving and evolving, too, with new features.

Now about teaching: I am really happy about the lessons (several dozen already!) I have taken with Nakano-sensei.

Intermediate level is a tough step, where you have to find your way through the intricacies and subtleties of intermediate-level Japanese grammar, as well as spoken Japanese, which differs quite a lot from the "proper" didactic language you learn at elementary level.

At the intermediate level, understanding often depends on nuances and on your acquaintance with Japanese culture. Nakano sensei is a wonderful guide: She gives careful thought to how to explain the difficult points of Japanese, and she always works painstakingly to answer my questions, to provide the best examples, to show the differences between similar words or grammatical structures.

When you take private lessons, the quality of human contact between teacher and student is essential. When I take a lesson at Nihongo-Pro, I am pleased to meet both an excellent teacher and a friend.
