Classroom Test Drive

Online classroom designed for learning Japanese

iPadOS 15 Users: Before using the classroom, a small change to your Safari settings is required.
Complete the classroom setup, if this is your first visit.
The Nihongo-Pro classroom is a better learning environment than Skype chat, with these custom features designed specifically for online Japanese lessons:
  • ProPad™ helps you learn to write Japanese
  • Built-in Japanese-English dictionary
  • Large whiteboard for presenting lesson materials
  • Teacher-directed audio playback (great for listening comprehension)
  • Easy to use, nothing to install. Log in from your browser.
Online Japanese classroom
Message from a Nihongo-Pro Student
Nihongo-pro has been the most flexible and cost-effective means for me to study Japanese.
I have been studying with Nakamura-sensei for nearly two years and have greatly enjoyed my lessons with her. Nakamura-sensei is very personable and is a lot of fun to work with.

Originally, I wanted to study Japanese in a university environment, but because I work full-time and have a growing family, the university route was not feasible. Nihongo-Pro allows me to study at my own pace and take lessons when it is convenient for me.

Nihongo-Pro has also been very flexible with teaching materials, allowing me to choose which textbooks and methods I would like to work with. This has allowed me to move towards my Japanese learning goals in the best way possible for me. This is a great contrast to other online lesson providers that seem to treat both their teachers and their students as commodities to be exploited.

Nihongo-Pro has been helpful to me on various occasions, and I greatly appreciate this.

(student of Machiko NAKAMURA)
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