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Look up a kanji:  
The selected kanji are listed below by their frequency of use in Japanese newspapers, starting with 1 (the most frequently used kanji).

To learn to read Japanese fast, learn the most frequently used kanji first. If you learn the 500 most frequently used characters, you can read about 75% of written Japanese.

Click a kanji for details, including animated stroke order and JLPT vocabulary. If you really want to learn kanji fast, enroll today and learn Japanese online in private Japanese lessons from experienced teachers.

300 to 399
(1 kanji)
700 to 799
(1 kanji)
1100 to 1199
(1 kanji)
1300 to 1399
(1 kanji)
1500 to 1599
(1 kanji)
1900 to 1999
(1 kanji)
Certain kanji information is from KANJIDIC, which is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.