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Learn JLPT N5 Vocabulary

Try New Japanese Quizzes Every Day—Free for Everyone!

Here's a free beginner Japanese quiz from the expert teachers at Nihongo-Pro. New quizzes are available every day at several skill levels. Take the Nihongo-Pro quiz challenge every day, from your PC, Mac, smartphone, iPad, iPod, or tablet, and learn Japanese online for free!

Are you planning to take the JLPT N5? N5 the introductory level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, and covers about 400 vocabulary terms. That's a lot of Japanese words to learn, but if you learn just one or two words every day, you'll master all the JLPT N5 vocabulary in no time.

Try this free Nihongo quiz, and see how much JLPT N5 vocabulary you know—and maybe find some Japanese words you still need to learn. Visit Nihongo-Pro to take a new Japanese beginner quiz every day, and you can aim for success on the JLPT N5!

Even if you don't plan to take the JLPT N5, see how much beginning Japanese vocabulary you know. These free Japanese quizzes are a fun way, we hope, to study Japanese. Ganbatte!

JLPT N5 ごい

     に ただしい ことばを いれてください。

Stuck? Try one of the Lifelines next to the question.
テニスを     あとで、 シャワーを あびます。
ドイツの くるまは いいです    、たかいです。
わたしの クラスに がくせいが にん     います。
わたしは かんじが 10     かけません。
わたしは うちで を みます。 ですから、 えいがかんへ      いきません。
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