
General一般 => Hiroba for Everyone皆さんのひろば => トピック開設者: shinnosuke より 2018-08-09 22:40 (2109日前)

トピック名: mukashi totta kinezuka
投稿者: shinnosuke より 2018-08-09 22:40 (2109日前)
Here's another phrase that I don't hear often: 昔取った杵柄 (むかしとったきねづか)Do any of you ever use that expression? What are some good examples of usage?
トピック名: Re: mukashi totta kinezuka
投稿者: shinnosuke より 2018-08-11 01:59 (2108日前)
Another great expression:二束三文 にそくさんもんIt means dirt cheap I think. The problem is, nothing in Japan is cheap so Japanese don't have an opportunity to use the expression.