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JLPT N5: Learn Basic Japanese Grammar

Learn Japanese Online with Free Quizzes—New Quizzes Every Day!

Here's a free beginner Japanese quiz from the expert teachers at Nihongo-Pro. New quizzes are available every day at several skill levels. Take the Nihongo-Pro quiz challenge every day, from your PC, Mac, smartphone, iPad, iPod, or tablet, and learn Japanese online for free!

The JLPT N5 is the beginning level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. An effective approach to learn JLPT N5 grammar is to do as many sample JLPT problems as you can find—including this free JLPT quiz!

Visit Nihongo-Pro every day, and try a new beginner Japanese quiz. We can't promise every beginner quiz will cover the JLPT N5, but every quiz will take you a little closer to success on the JLPT N5.

If you want intensive study for the JLPT N5, or if you plan to take online Japanese lessons, we hope you'll consider private lessons at Nihongo-Pro. Our fully customized lessons are among the most affordable private lessons available anywhere, and our teachers will guide you expertly toward your Japanese language goal.

Here's to your success on the JLPT N5 and in all of your Japanese studies!

JLPT N5 の ぶんぽう

むずかしいけど だいじな 「じょし」の つかいかた 
Using difficult but important joshi (Japanese particles)

Stuck? Try one of the Lifelines next to the question.
(ただ)しい じょしの つかいかたは どれですか。
(ただ)しい じょしの つかいかたは どれですか。
(ただ)しい じょしの つかいかたは どれですか。
(ただ)しい じょしの つかいかたは どれですか。
(ただ)しい じょしの つかいかたは どれですか。
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